Introduction to us!

Hello readers! welcome to our blog! this blog is for all those book lovers who get excited at the site of a new book, for all those introverts who find their comfort within the sheets on their bed with a book and a cup of coffee or better yet, hot chocolate! so before we dive deep into our blog let me introduce us.


We are two best friends with same name, same job, and coincidentally same interests! that's right books! we both loooooove books! our friendship started from coaching centre where we were breaking our heads to crack the exam to get into med school, and then we did get into it although not the same one. We both kept in contact but not as much as before and then in pandemic although the world didn't seem to get any better our friendship did! we reconnected through our love for same boyband. It might sound cringy or childish to some but our friendship grew stronger than ever gushing over the boyband or discussing about our favourite novel. So one fine day we thought why not create a blog where we can share our interests with the world and meet more like minded people, and hence this blog came to life. Hope you all have a good time visiting our blog.

                                                                                                                 DR Bibliophile


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